Greenwich Park £10M upgrade


Greenwich Park has a new cafe located at the top of Maze Hill by the Flower Garden entrance, called the Ignatius Sancha Cafe it a named after a slave who elevated himself through self-education to the upper echelons of British society through his writing and music compositions.

This is all part of the £10 Million upgrade that I wrote about a few years ago. If you look over the viewing area by the General Wolfe statue by the Royal Greenwich Observatory you will see that the hill flowing downwards has now been reconstructed in a step formation as it once was in the 17th century, when the park was a hunting ground for the royals and aristocracy alone, and us commoners were not allowed to be roaming or even have access to the grounds.

By the new cafe, you also have new unisex toilets and the smaller than originally planned ecology learning resource centre which was planned as a newly built high-tech facility, but due to cost restraints after the Covid pandemic, it was decided to use refurbished buildings that are currently still being used by the park rangers near the flower nurseries.


There are also plans to upgrade the bandstand in the park.

The Pavilion café has also just reopened after a major refit of the interior and the cooking facilities. In my opinion, it could not have come at a better time as although the new Ignatius Sancha café is a welcome addition to the park it is rather on the small side and does struggle to accommodate the large number of customers wanting refreshments from it.

The area on top of the viewing platform by the General James Wolfe statue seems to be being made into a better viewing area although at the moment I do not know how it will be done, but work is well underway on achieving it.


Writen by jeparish63

April 20, 2024

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