Low Traffic Neighbourhoods


Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN’s)

During the Covid chaos Greenwich council introduced LNT’s into the equation to control traffic for some unknown reason. This I cannot fathom out as when we were all in lockdown it was noted how the air quality improved dramatically as no one was driving. So why did we need low traffic neighbourhoods or LTN’s for short.

Greenwich seem to have jumped on the bandwagon that other London boroughs were partaking in.

You may be shouting at the screen right now shouting “you anti-social right wing petrol head” but you could not be more wrong. I am all for well thought out reasonable LTN’s but Greenwich council plans to cut off traffic flowing from the top of Greenwich Park along the A2, down to Trafalgar Road and the centre of Greenwich, during rush hour  will have to travel as far as the  of Greenwich South Street or Greenwich High Road and come back on yourself.

Anyone wanting to get to anywhere within the forbidden zone during peak rush hour will have to be registered with the council as a resident within the LTN.

Forget your early morning or evening delivery for your online shopping site if you live in the LTN. You will have to wait. They want to deliver to you but can’t do it within your rules.

I’m sure most of the people living within the LTN’s are all for it, If I lived in one so would I, but it does have a downside to other people and I’m not just talking about the local commuters who may have no choice but to take their vehicles with them. Not everyone can just hop on to public transport.

The other people that I am talking about are the people that live to the west of the A102 otherwise known as the Blackwall tunnel approach. The traffic that would have probably have gone by Coombes Hill, Royal Hill, Westcombe Hill, Vanbrugh Hill, or Maze Hill will have to find new rat runs originating in or around Charlton.

Unfortunately, I am one of the people affected by the Charlton rat runs and at the moment the traffic that uses Victoria Way is manageable and not too bad, unless it is a Charlton Athletic match day, then it becomes hell.

Even when there is no match on, during the rush hour it can get busy and one of the things that make it a nightmare to drive down is the weak railway bridge that was made into a single lane road between the barriers.

The rules of the road dictate that cars driving up a hill will always have priority of vehicles coming down the hill, and this is how the signage on the road is set out. This rule is also regularly ignored by arrogant drivers who either do not know this or are of the opinion that the rules only apply to other people and not them.

With regular frequency you will get road rage and a belligerent arsehole who will drive down ignoring the signs and when his path is blocked by the vehicle in the right will shout obscenities and threaten the other driver and occasionally it gets physical.

This will only get worst when all this diverted traffic is pushed down roads like Victoria Way or Charlton Church Lane, which are roads that cannot cope with mass two-way traffic.

The council know this will happen as they have stated that they will be monitoring the situation. This is council speak for, they know what will happen but are not going to do anything and cannot be bothered.

Tunnel Woes

Tunnel Woes


 Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnel Woes

Coming next year most Greenwich  motorist will be hit with the realisation that getting from the South to East London and visa versa is going to get expensive, especially  if you commute via the Blackwall tunnel.

Peak hours weekdays northbound 6am – 10am it will cost £4

Peak hours weekdays southbound 4pm – 7pm it will cost £4

There will be an off-peak rate of £1.50 at all other times between 6am and 10pm, including at weekends, but only if you register with Autopay. If you don’t register with Autopay you will be charged £4, the same as peak weekday times.

There will be no charge between 10pm and 6am on any day of the week.

If you ride a motorbike, moped or motor tricycle the charge will be £1.50 for off peak and £2.50 for peak hour rates.

For large vans the charge will be £2.50 off peak and £6.50 for peak hours.

HGV will be charged £5 off peak and £10 peak hours.

These prices are for each time you pass through the tunnels so a typical car commuter driving to work will have to fork out £8 each day, a van driver will have to fork out £13 each day and the HGV driver will have to pay £20 each day.

This is just for the tunnels, if you work in the centre of London you will have to also pay the £15 congestion charge and maybe the ULEZ charge if you drive a diesel or non-compliant vehicle and don’t even get me started on the extortionate London parking charges.

I believe that on the first few days of the Tunnel charges coming into effect thousands of drivers will try and take the Rotherhithe tunnel or Tower Bridge route but they will give up after they realise the whole area  will be grid locked.

Another thing that I suspect will happen is that a small minority may try and get around the number plate recognition  system by attaching false number plates to their vehicles in order to divert the payments to some poor innocent victim who will have to pick up the tab.

The act of cloning went up by 80% after they introduction of the ULEZ expansion, so this is just another incentive for the low life to pass the cost to some other motorist.

If you fail to pay on time due to not registering, or you are some poor bugger who has had their number plate cloned the you will have to pay up a whopping £180 , reduced to £90 if you cough up within two weeks of getting the charge.


Charlton Sinkhole

Charlton Sinkhole


 Charlton Sinkhole

A small sinkhole suddenly appeared at the junction of Delafield Road and Swallowfield Road in Charlton. You can just about with difficulty turn the corner if you have a small car but you can forget it if you have aA lorry or van.

To make things worse, there are no warning signs at the entry to either of these roads to say the road is blocked at the junction.

Some bollards are laid down by the side of the sink hole which I presume is for the equipment to be used to repair the hole and allow some traffic flow along Delafield Road..

As I said with a struggle you can get around the corner in a small car from a certain direction but surely with a sinkhole the hole could open up even further if the area around the hole is disturbed such as driving around the edge of the hole.

Greenwich is no stranger to sinkhole and in the past it has taken months to fix them.

Last year in Dunvegan Road, Eltham a sinkhole the size of a car appeared.

In 2016 a large hole appeared outside  Benefice of Charlton St Thomas’ Church, in Charlton which swallowed a parked people carrier.

In December last year a burst water mains in St Marys Street in Woolwich caused a sinkhole seven meters deep and resulted in the evacuation of a number of properties  nearby.

Who could forget the big one on Blackheath Hill that appeared in April 2002 and took 8 months to repair.

It looks like this latest small sinkhole has been caught in time and is being sorted out alright, but I would still criticise the road management layout.

At the end of my working day, I walked past the hole. The hole has been filled in but there is a square patch with no top surface of tar mac covering it. Hopefully this will be rectified tomorrow. Personally, I am impressed with the speed in which the council is rectifying this small sink hole problem.








The Old Gun Pit closure.

The Old Gun Pit closure.



The Bull Tavern closed to a large new housing development coming soon.

The Old Gun Pit closed by enforcement officers or bailiffs on 20th June 2024.

The Old Gun Pit closure.

Earlier this year they closed the Equitable pub in General Gordon Place, Woolwich due to financial difficulties caused by the Covid pandemic, then we lost the Bull Tavern in Vincent Road, Woolwich and not to  mention the Queens arms in Burrage Road, and now we have lost the Old Gun Pit.

The Bull Tavern I believe was closed due to a planned new housing development next to the new Woolwich leisure centre that is being built at the moment.

The closure of the Old Gun Pit was a bit of a surprise not only to its customers and patrons, but it would seem also to some of its staff.

When checking on its Facebook page just four days ago it was advertising for customers to come and watch all the Euro matches at the pub, and the very next day it is announcing its closure.

There is a notice of repossession from an enforcement company acting on behalf of the landlords stuck to the pub door. So, it looks like they were not paying the rent to the landlords, so the bailiffs have come a knocking. If they were fighting a repossession for some other reason, then the management must have realised this would have happened at some time, so it couldn’t have been such a surprise after all.

They advertised themselves as the oldest Irish pub in South East London.

I never got around to reviewing this  place and now I never will.  To be honest it was not one of these places that I would have frequented myself, its clientele always looked a bit rough and ready, and the pub looked like the type of place a fight could break out at any moment, but looking at the reviews I could have been wrong about the place.  The locals seem to love it and at the end of the day it was the type of pub that relied on its locals rather than footfall or tourist clientele. It is Woolwich after all not touristy Greenwich.

Woolwich is losing too many pubs lately. I hope the landlords will lease the Old Gun Pit site out as a pub again soon to new management or a brewery chain.

We are still waiting for an update about the Volunteer pub in Powis Street that is supposed to open some time in 2024, but the managers or owners have still not given an opening date.


Urban Village Fete 2024

Urban Village Fete 2024


 Urban Village Fete 2024

I had missed the last couple of these fetes, so I did not know what to expect. I thought it would be a small affair on the green. How wrong I was.

The whole thing was five to six times bigger than what I was expecting and covered almost the whole of the Peninsular Central Park.  From small craft merchants and clothes shops to numerous and various, food stalls and workshops of many variations.

There were several bars including two old Red Rover double-decker buses converted into mobile pubs.

For entertainment, there were at least three DJ systems including a big one at the end of the green with a number of DJs, including Jamz Supernova, Millie McKee and Gilles Peterson, with two big display screens to add to the ambience and atmosphere.

There were two smaller sound systems at the other end of the Park that were more family orientated playing music from the 70s, 80s and 90s and some of the music was quite cheesy but fun. The mums, dad’s and kids loved it.

Apart from inclusive talks ranging from “sustainable fashion” the “future of Britain” and “work-life balance there were also various workshops to try your hand at learning and creativity.

Food was provided by numerous stalls selling cuisines for every taste and genre from around the world. Unfortunately, like most of the bars the length of the queues put me off so I didn’t get to try any of them. I only managed to get a couple of beers from a craft beer stall, selling craft lager and cold German beer. If I had waited in the queue for the London red bus bars it would have taken me about 15 to 20 minutes to get served.

The place was very packed, but you could still find somewhere along the grass area in which to set up a mat somewhere for friends and family.

For the kids there was a kids Olympics considering of a ‘tug of war’, a ‘fluffy toy pineapple’ throwing competition amongst many others. They also had a kids circus for the kids to take part in various child safe circus activities.

Another thing that impressed me was the toilet facilities which although crowded was useable and fast. They had forgone the usual easy route of rows and rows of disgusting Port-a-loos and gone for clean mobile toilet trailers with sinks and air dryers. A major plus point in my books.

This is very much an event that I Will be including in next year’s calendar. And to top it all, it was all free.

If you didn’t fancy waiting in line for food and drink almost next door you had the Greenwich Peninsula and the O2, both of which are jam-packed with bars, pubs and restaurants.